Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Coming Down the Home Stretch

I just realized that every time I type a smiley face, it shows up as a J on my blog. Oops. Lol. I've been writing these on Word, not my blog, because I can only use the internet in the lobby, and that's a little annoying. So…I'll try to go back and change the J's to :), but we'll see if I get around to that. Just know that J=:).

Talking to Jeff was a great start to Sunday. Lol. After that, everybody was supposed to meet at 8:00 so we could go to church, but Professor Le Bras didn't get there until 8:30. Lol. So, we got to church really late. Lol. Fifteen minutes before Relief Society and Priesthood were over, so we just sat outside until the first meeting was over. It was really hard to focus during Sunday School, though. Lol. I was so tired (as was everybody in the group) so listening and trying to translate things into French was hard. The lady who taught was really interesting. At least, her outfit was. She wore a long, frilly shirt with a flowery pattern, then a pink skirt with big flowers on it, then baggy, Aladdin pants with a different flowery pattern under that. She topped it off with a mustard-colored sweater. SO interesting. Lol. I've never seen anybody dress like that before…even here in France. (Although the Aladdin pants are becoming really popular around here. They seem like they're a new thing, just coming to the scene. That and tube top coveralls which are really strange….)

Sacrament Meeting was a little better. Although it definitely seemed longer than normal. Sunday was the anniversary of D-Day, so a lot of the members talked about that and their gratitude for the Allied Forces and all the French people who died to liberate France.

After church, a bunch of us hit up the two museums we had to visit in Nice. Well, we had a list of museums that we had to go to, and everybody chose the Matisse and Chagall museums because they were within walking distance of the church. Happy day, they were both free! :)

I did not like the Matisse Museum. Lol. He's just not my favorite artist. I think all his stuff looks like kindergarten painting, which is cute when a five-year-old does it, not so much when it's from a grown man. The colors were fun, but other than that… It wasn't very exciting.

The Chagall was a little better. Still not my favorite, though. I prefer more classical art, I guess. Not the modern stuff. Bleh. Lol. Chagall was kind of cool, because he had a lot of religious art. And the color in his paintings was amazing, I'll give him that. I did like how he used different colors to express different emotions. I thought it was funny, because all his angels looked like fairies. Lol.

After that I came back to the residence and worked on journals and stuff like that. It was a pretty relaxing Sunday. :)

But can I just say I hate Kiss FM? Ugh! Stupidest radio station ever. Lol. It plays the same five songs over and over! And they're all English songs. Then they play a couple French songs in between to break it up. I'm so tired of hearing "Blame it on the giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirls. Blame it on the boooooooooooooooooys" and "I gotta help myself…soon!" and something about a shark in the water all day long! They play that radio station at the grocery store and in the lobby all day long! Ew! I hate it. I'm pretty sure they over play songs way more than American radio stations do. And they don't even understand what the songs are saying! I've definitely heard some pretty bad swearing on these radio stations, and it's in English. Or maybe they just don't care about what words are said on the radio.

And speaking of weirdness, I thought of another thing I didn't like about the beaches. Lack of clothing. :P So much of a lack that it makes a bikini look modest and our group of BYU girls look overdressed. It's sooooooo gross! :P I feel bad for the boys in our group. I don't want to see that. I can only imagine how much they don't want to. It just adds to my not wanting to go back to the beach….

There are great things about being here, though! Lol. Sorry. Not all of this visit to Nice is annoying. I love the weather. It's been hot, but not overpoweringly hot. It's been perfect hot. I've loved it. And old Nice is beautiful. I think I might go there Thursday or Friday and just walk around instead of going to the beach. :)

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