Monday, May 24, 2010

♫ I want to step out down the Champs Elysees ♪

Over night the weary metro travelers turned from pale humans to flaming lobsters. Welcome to Paris, Mr. Sun! We've missed you. :)

Today was another easy day. lol. Didn't get out of bed until about 10 this morning, went to the Champs de Mars with Paris and sat and talked for a while in the beautiful warmth....Sigh. Amazing. Paris and I were going to do journal writing this That didn't happen. At least not until after I left to meet some girls in our group for lunch. Well....I didn't really have lunch because I'd had a late breakfast, but we sat and talked at the cafe until they were done eating.

After that we went to the Champs Elysees to see the gardens! We thought it was supposed to be a flower garden, because in all of the pictures with the articles talking about the event, there were flowers. But apparently it was to promote agriculture in France. So....we were looking at green beans and mustard and stuff. lol. It was still pretty cool. And there were THOUSANDS of people there! The streets were swarming with people coming to look at the plants. There were some pretty cool ones, like pineapple plants and palm trees. But not as many flowers. Sad day. It was still fun, though.

Then we ran into Monoprix, because Beth wanted to see if there were any books. (She wants to teach French someday, so she wanted to get some French books.) And guess what I found! La Princesse et la Grenouille! lol. I bought it. :)

After that, I went to the Jardin Luxembourg. I got off at the same metro stop I got off at last time and couldn't find my way from! So...I just decided to walk in the opposite direction from the way I tried on Saturday, and I ran into Ben and Jerry's! Which was a landmark on a walk we did for our class! So I just back tracked from there and found the garden! :) I was so happy.

The weather today really was gorgeous. I sat in a chair in the shade overlooking the pool and all the statues of queens. It was a great place to write for three hours. lol. If I'd had my computer, I would have started filling in the days I missed. But I didn't. lol.

After sitting in the garden, I went to FHE, which started almost an hour late. lol. So I actually got there on time. I decided I really want a French hymnbook. Maybe I'll get one for Christmas or something. lol. I totally want to sing the French versions of the hymns to my future kids or something. They sound so cool!

After that I came home, had to stop to buy stuff for dinner at a tiny store because Franprix closes before 9 pm, and then talked to Paris for a while. Apparently a huge group of Japanese tourists were at the Champs de Mars this afternoon and they all asked for pictures with her. lol. I think they thought she was French or something, and they wanted pictures with a real French person. None of them spoke English or French, so she couldn't really explain that they were getting pictures with an American... She said she thinks she took pictures with 60 people altogether today! lol. That's one way to get your 15 minutes of fame, I guess.

Anyway, that's all I got for today... I should go read for my class. Yay.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha, that's what generally happens. Tell Paris the next time (cause it will probably happen again knowing the japanese) to say "watashi wa american jin desu ne. Sumimasen, sumimasen." Then when they start talking to her excitedly in japanese have her say. "Nihongo wa wakarimasen, gomenasai". Hope that helps, glad you guys are having fun in Paris!
