Monday, May 10, 2010

♪ I want to see the den of thinking men like Jean-Paul Sartre ♫

I'm not really sure why I get up to go running every morning if I always have negative consequences afterward. lol. Oh, well. Hopefully the good consequences will outweigh the bad eventually. (Although, with all the desserts and fatty food in France, they very well may not...)

Today we did a short walk around Saint Sulpice. It was pretty fun, and luckily we didn't get rained on. (Unfortunately there's rain in the forecast for tomorrow's escapade to Versailles...) We went to the Poilane bakery, which is pretty much one of the most famous bakeries in Paris, and therefore the world. They don't use any preservatives and still cook with wood-fire ovens! And they ship their bread all over the world for an arm and a leg. lol. We stopped in and bought a couple of little loaves our guide book recommended. I think I would have made a different selection had I know that pain aux noix meant bread with nuts in it, but it was still pretty good. The big loaves in there were so pretty! They had cool letters on them, and trees, and words and stuff. On bread! It was awesome.

Then we passed by an insane sculpture of a centaur that was the ugliest piece of art I have ever seen... I don't even know why they had it commissioned. It was worse than the sculpture we saw Friday!

We also passed by a theatre where Jean-Paul Sartre's play premiered. I don't really know that much about Sartre, just that they mention him in one of my favorite movies Funny Face. lol.

Then we went to the Saint-Sulpice church. For any of you Da Vinci Code fans, this is the church they talk about. Or one of them, I can't remember. Personally, I haven't read the book and I absolutely hated the movie, so it wasn't that big a deal for me. I think the outside of the church looks really cool, but the inside was really dark and really gloomy. I also didn't really like the architecture. It was some weird combination of Gothic and Neoclassic. Bleh. lol. I was kind of cool, but....not a favorite. And it was kinda sad, because so many of the paintings on the walls were so faded, you could hardly tell they were paintings. They just looked like black walls. Although the organ was really cool looking. There were statues on it. lol.

Then we left and traveled down rue Princesse. lol. It was a tiny street. And there was a bar called The Frog and Princess. That made us laugh.

Our path then led us to Ben and Jerry's ice cream....a "glacier americain". And...we had to stop. lol. It was kind of a chilly day for ice cream, but it was a taste of home! And apparently the French don't like cookie dough ice cream...because the tub of cookie dough was smooth with no scoops out of it. So I chose cookie dough. lol. It's such an American flavor. And Paris chose brownie something or other...I forgot what that other popular American flavor is.

After that we saw another church- the Abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Pres. This one was actually really cool. I loved it. The walls were painted with beautiful red, green, and gold. And the paintings were in much better repair. This one was also cool, because it was a little like St. Denis. It had an old Romanesque tower on a Gothic abbey.

After the abbey, we came home and I texted Jeff through email while I did all the reading for tomorrow. Then I took a nap.

Then we grabbed sandwiches on our way to FHE with the young single adults at the church in Paris. The missionaries taught a lesson and then we played that hand slapping game where you cross arms with the people next to you and slap the floor and go around in a circle, and whoever messes up is out. We also talked to some people (in French and English). That was fun.

Then I finished up with an awesome conversation with Jeff. The end. :)

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