Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Welcome, My Friends, to Paris...

Ah, Paris.... Where the most essential item needed to drive is not a license, but a good, loud horn and the second most important thing is a trustworthy set of brakes. Where street art is oil on canvas instead of spray paint and kids play soccer in the shadows of the Eiffel Tower.

Well, we made it! Although Paris almost didn't make it... lol. (The plane she and two others from our group were on got delayed, and they had fifteen minutes to get from Terminal A to Terminal E in Boston, through international security, and onto the plane.)

The flight was pretty uneventful. I sat next to an old man who didn't speak French or English (I'm not exactly sure what he spoke, but every time he told a flight attendant what he spoke, they got an "uh oh, I don't know that one" kind of look.) He kept giving all the things that he didn't want, like his plain yogurt and his orange juice from breakfast and the packet with earphones and stuff. It was funny. lol.

After checking into the hotel an getting something to eat, we boarded the Metro for L'arc de Triomphe. Following some picture taking and resting underneath the gigantic arch, we boarded another train for the Eiffel Tower. It was beautiful! Although, I wish there weren't so many people. I think I'd enjoy it a whole lot better if there weren't thousands of people milling about beneath it. The park Champs de Mars was very beautiful too, allowing a place for Paris and Brittney to take a nap while I wrote and watched pigeons strutting around and kids playing in the sprinklers.

Then it was back on the Metro for another ride to the hotel. After a nap and shower, we went to dinner at a nearby restaurant, where I got embarrassed because of the loudness of our group. lol. Americans really are so loud! The food was really good, though. I tried duck for the first time ever, and was really surprised when it tasted more like beef than chicken. I also had the most delicious coeur fondant du chocolat. So rich, and totally to die for! Now it's off to bed. Meeting the host family tomorrow!

Oh, can I just mention that the hotel Etap is horrible? The WC is 3 1/2 feet square and the shower, though bigger, has no room for you to put anything you don't want to get wet! It's all shower in that room! And the doors on both don't actually close, they just loosely shut, so if you lean against them they open. And the shower doesn't get warm, it gets cold or hot. And the sink is on the opposite end of the room, instead of being by the shower and toilet. And the funny thing about the room is that it has a double bed and then a (twin sized) bunk bed on top. They aren't very comfortable beds, but I have a feelings Paris and I will both sleep just fine. :)

(So...I forgot to get the USB cord for my camera from my sister, and my computer doesn't recognize the memory card, so I don't think I'll be able to post pictures until I get home...)

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